Posts tagged child
Adulthood Across Three Continents

In places like East Pakistan (before it became Bangladesh), Kuwait, and Sierra Leone there just weren’t that many expat families…

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Learning To Be a Diplomatic Mum

Imagine the chaos of the first few years: Romanian, German and English mixed together in a way that it took us sometimes minutes to realize what exactly it was that our own children were trying to tell us…

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Blood And Water

Declarations such as “shame on them”, “I’d rather my daughter died than bring dishonour to the family”, “she must’ve dabbled in black magic to brainwash that poor boy”, and “I hope they’re found and shamed publicly” were made with great gusto, and to my adolescent brain, conjured up horrific visions which nearly made me throw up my dinner...

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My Yurt And I

My ex-wife called me one day and told me that there had been a massive fire at the storage facility. Everything was gone. Not only my parents’ stuff, but all my military items, a sizable weapons collection, and a lifetime of memorabilia...

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