My Tuxedo Shirt


Merry Christmas beautiful people! Lots of love from the team at TCK TOWN xxx

I love to read. Sue Grafton is one of my favorite authors. Her character Kinsey Millhone has this odd little black dress that she keeps stuffed in her bag which she pulls out at a moment’s notice when there is a funeral, cocktail party or fancy dinner. The dress’s wrinkles shake out. Perfection.

My equivalent is a tuxedo shirt. You read me right. I have two of them. The type with the collar that points down (presidential) and the type which points up (wing tips).

If I have to, I can grab a black suit, get a shirt and I have even made a bowtie from tying up a smaller necktie so I can be ready for any formal occasion. I can look as good as any penguin. If I am feeling a bit less formal then I will wear it tucked in without a tie and with plain old silver Tiffany cufflinks. Where every woman has a pair of oversized earrings she loves, my cufflinks are my favourite options: onyx, silvers, studs and cuffs.

For those occasions when I want to buck the trend, I wear my favorite tuxedo bib shirt with my oversized pewter cufflinks from Malaysia which my almost-like-a-kid-sister friend from Texas gave me. The shirt is untucked (top button unbuttoned) over a pair of distressed Levis worn with black stack cowboy boots and a black jacket. It’s my favorite choice for our annual Christmas brunch at one of the hotels in Tokyo. The shirt can always be tucked in with regular trousers if I have to head out to meet friends for a quick dinner too. All I have to do is buff my shoes and I am set to go. I have also worn my tuxedo shirt unbuttoned with aloha shorts on a lunch cruise. When I travel, they always accompany me in my suitcase.

And just for the record, it makes a pretty nifty pyjama top when a travelling friend stays over.

First published 31 Dec 2016