Finding My Destiny: Bahrain Story #41


#100 Bahrain Stories is the beautiful brainchild of Tanzeel Jabbar-Khadir. As an Australian writer with Indian and Pakistani heritage, Tanzeel relocated to the small Gulf island of Bahrain several years ago and embarked upon a personal project to interview 100 people from all walks of life in her new home. TCK TOWN is proud and excited to be able to share the stories from some of the 100 inspiring people that were interviewed. These stories have even been published as a book. Take a look at the end of this article to find out where you can purchase it. We hope you enjoy this series as much as we do! 

"Born and brought up in a small fishing village in the South of France, books were my window to the world. I loved reading about different civilizations and stories about the Bedouins of Arabia intrigued me the most. By the time I was a teenager, I had the opportunity to travel with my paternal grandmother. Together we explored places like Egypt, Morocco, Turkey and Sri Lanka. My grandmother is a simple fisherman's wife and a woman of limited education, but watching her explore and learn about other cultures with joy and enthusiasm showed me that an open minded attitude comes not necessarily from one’s education but from one’s experiences. 

After completing my studies, I worked as a journalist in Tunisia. It was the first place I had heard the Adhan (Muslim call to prayer). It sounds dramatic when I tell you now, but the crystal voice of the Muezzin penetrated my veins. It touched me to the core and made me realise that I wanted to explore this religion. In fact, I had a sudden desire to discover all religions. I took inspiration from the words of Gandhi who said: “It is the duty of every cultured man or woman to read sympathetically the scriptures of the world. If we are to respect others’ religions as we would have them respect our own, a friendly study of the world’s religions is a sacred duty.”

I went on to live and work in Mumbai and then Shanghai. The vibrant Indian culture appealed to me and I continue to be enamored by it today (I am often told that I am an Indian born in a French body!) By the time I came to Bahrain in 2007, I had already been exploring Buddhism and Hinduism. Having also become interested in Qawwali music, I wanted to learn more about Islam as well. A respected mentor and valued friend became my guide. lnitially, I looked at his behaviour as a Muslim and how well he applied ethics in his daily life and thought, “If this is Islam, I want to be a Muslim.” I would ask him questions and rather than tell me the answers, he would refer me to an ayah (verse) of the Quran. At first I found this perplexing, but I realized that by making me look for answers, he was gently guiding me to my destiny.

I made my Shahada on the last nights of Ramadan in 2014. This month of fasting, reflection and prayer will always have an extra special meaning for me, not only because it marks the anniversary of my conversion, but also as these last nights of Ramadan are when Muslims believe the Quran was revealed over 14 centuries ago.

Bahrain has been the ideal place for me to practice my faith and enjoy and understand other religions. The multifaith community is colourful and diverse and I love being in an environment of mutual respect, having friends from all faiths and walks of life.

As well as being a photojournalism trainer, I am a photographer and an artist. My artwork often reflects my journey towards faith and fulfillment. I pay homage to my Catholic upbringing (which will always be a part of who I am) whilst synonymously embracing my new path.

For me, Islam is about possibility and reaching our full potential in life – continuously assessing where you are as a person. Interestingly, I became a feminist after reading the Quran, taking inspiration from the countless references to female empowerment. As a Muslim, I have become more conscious of social justice and active as an advocate for those less fortunate. I am like a sunflower tilting my face towards God. I submit to doing good deeds. That is how I try to live my life."

Interviewee: Stéphanie Ravel from France. Living in Bahrain.

The #100 Bahrain Stories book is currently available at Neo Books and Coffee and all Jashanmal Bookstores in Bahrain. If you are not in Bahrain and would like to order a copy, please email: