Christmas, Costa Rica and Change


Christmas is the crunch of walking on freshly fallen snow
The silence of everything covered in a blanket of white
And mom’s breakfast casserole in the morning.

It’s green palm trees and walks on the beach
And driving up to the tall mountains to jump off rocks into frigid waters below,
With warm cheese dip to share with friends.

Thanksgiving in America is another day at school in Costa Rica.
Instead of turkey and green bean casserole we have algebra
and an English quiz.

November is not autumn, it is rainy season.
Raindrops fall instead of red and orange leaves
That crunch below your feet.

In Peru, our address was Malecón 28 de Julio, Independence Day.
The busy streets normally filled with cars
Replaced with loud, colorful parades.
We didn’t celebrate 4th of July that year.

Moving changes customs.
New countries mean new celebrations.
Divorce means losing traditions.

I make my own now.
I combine them and celebrate when I want
I don’t celebrate when it’s too hard.

I like change and I like new traditions
Even if that means losing other ones.